It’s party time! P-A-R-T-Why? Because, when you have a Party Neon Acrylic Box, you can’t not party!
This sign is made of acrylic (as we’ve mentioned once or twice) and contains a blue, LED neon message that, much like your maddest friend, only says one thing: Party! It gives off a brilliant blue glow and has a mirrored back, which really brings the party out into the room.
Unlike the people at your get-together that have been dancing all night, this sign doesn’t run out of batteries. Why? Because, with a 12V DC adaptor (which is included), this sign gets power from your mains, letting the party go all night!
With this PARTY neon light in your home, everything becomes a blowout! Movies under a blanket? Party. Board game night? Party. Bandaging a scraped knee? Party. A get-together with 200 of your closest friends? Party!
If you feel like your fiestas have been missing a little something, it’s time to see the light. And, more importantly, it’s time to bring the acrylic neon party light into your home! Invite one over today!