Top Gear has given us the world 's most popular TV show with three of the world 's most obnoxious presenters. Now their take on motoring and life in general is encapsulated in this brand new Top Gear Alternative Highway Code, written by the Ministry of Top Gear no less!
As everyone knows, there are three ways of doing things. The right way, the wrong way and the Top Gear way. Although, on reflection, that's usually just the wrong way, but faster and with more shouting. Anyway, the good news is that this third way of doing things can be applied to almost anything, and that includes motoring in general. All you need is the right guidance, which is where the brand new Top Gear Alternative Highway Code comes in.
Top Gear's Alternative Highway Code will show you how to bring the ambitious but rubbish philosophies of the world's most popular TV programme to your driving, containing advice on general motoring, as well as specific tips on how to deal with common eventualities like a rapidly sinking amphibious camper van, a caravan airship that's just crashed into a small bush, or a stupid home-made limousine that 's snapped in half while transporting a top celebrity to an awards ceremony.
With diagrams and illustrations, it also includes guidance to every day driving like
- How to overtake
- What to do and how to react when hitting wildlife
- Basic rules of the road
- Dealing with Elderly Drivers
- And many more irreverent tips!
Road users should not leave home without it. Makes an ideal gift for all petrol heads and fans of Top Gear - and there are plenty of those about!