Movies of the past promised us that, a couple of decades into this millennium, we’d have robots smarter than the glorified toasters they’re passing off as ‘robots’ these days. Where’s our equivalent to R2D2, huh, future? Oh, actually, it’s right here in the form of the Anki Vector Smart Robot!
Say hello to our little friend. Seriously, say ‘hey’ to this robot. Being interactive, it not only hears you, but it reacts!
Crazy AI with Amazon Alexa Built-In
Yeah, you read right. The Anki Vector has Alexa built-into it. So, anything that you’d ask Alexa, you can now ask Vector. This handy little bot will help time your dinners (so, no more charred Yorkshire puds), tell you the weather outside, take selfies with you, give you fist-bumps, and loads more.
It can hear, see, feel, think, and communicate. Smart.
Anki Vector is Self-Aware
OK, you don’t need to start preparing for a dark, Matrix meets Terminator existence just yet. The Vector is your friend. But, yeah, this robot can feel a room better than an embarrassing friend with no social filter.
Built to explore and react to its surroundings, the Vector can intuitively move around its environment without colliding with anything or falling over any edges. Plus, it can even recognise people and objects.
Loaded with Tech
The Anki Vector has more tech than your Bluetooth-earpiece-wearing neighbour with the smartphone holster on his belt. It sees using an ultra-wide FOV HD camera and infrared laser scanner and it hears using a beamforming four-microphone array. It��s powered by a Qualcomm 200 platform and it has a high-res colour display to show its personality!
Charges via USB
The Anki Vector has a USB charging dock and, get this, it even finds it way over there when it’s feeling a little drained. How ‘smart’ are smartphones now?
So, if you’re ready for a robot sidekick, order your Anki Vector Smart Robot now!