So, maybe a screaming baby can be pacified by warm milk, a dummy, and a bit of swaddling. But, what happens when you’re dealing with an army of vicious, mutated babies who do really sick stuff like burp fire, ride jet skis in the buff, and have beards? Well, in that case, your only hope is an army of bears (and other animals) who are built for baby-bashing!
In Bears vs Babies, this is the world you are faced with. You’ll use cards to build some weird and wonderful monsters in order to take down the baby horde (think: a light-radiating Pomeranian in business attire with nunchuck-wielding T-Rexs as arms). Whoever eats the most babies wins. But, beware… your fellow teammates might provoke the infants before you’re prepared. In the world of Bears vs Babies, it’s fight the tots, fear your friends!
The game includes a cloth playmat, 107 cards, a book of game rules (which you can read when you’re bored), and a book of FAQs. It’s all packed neatly into a bearskin box (that’s made of faux fur, of course – we can’t be skinning our only defence against those brutal babies now, can we?).
For every time a crying baby ruined a trip to the movies, or a toddler wandered into your path and nearly tripped you… take the fight to those babies with this Bears vs Babies board game!