The Beautiful Roses & Lily Bouquet is a timeless blend of pink LA lilies and pure white Athena roses, creating a harmonious and elegant arrangement. Ideal for any occasion—whether it’s a birthday, a celebration of a new arrival, or simply a thoughtful gesture—this bouquet is sure to impress and delight the recipient.
Hand-tied with care, it arrives with your personal message, adding a heartfelt touch to the surprise. Please note, the vase is not included, allowing you to display the bouquet in your preferred vase for an extra personal touch.
With our 5-day happiness guarantee, this stunning bouquet ensures freshness and long-lasting beauty. Whether marking a special event or brightening someone's day, the Beautiful Roses & Lily Bouquet will make a lasting impression.
- Gift Message (250 Characters Max.)
Please Note
- Your flowers will be sent with flower food, care instructions and a card containing your own personal gift message.
- Gift message will be personalised exactly as you have written so please double check spelling, punctuation and use of capital letters.
Please note: Vase not included