The inky creature resembling the once-lovable Bendy is everywhere. He’s on posters, he’s in the walls of the Joey Drew studio, and he’s about to be in your vinyl figure collection, too, thanks to this awesome Ink Bendy Pop! Vinyl!
The demon passing himself off as Bendy might not be out to hurt anyone… maybe he’s just animated? No, scratch that, he’s definitely out to hurt someone by the name of Henry, but we just needed a way to work in a cartoon pun. So, now that’s done, we can focus on the darkness in the heart of Ink Bendy, plus the darkness on his face and soaked into his clothes. In fact, Ink Bendy is covered with darkness in the form of black ink (shocker, right?), which this vinyl figure does a fantastic job of recreating.
We’re not exactly sure why this ink monster is so angry, but we do know that he’s about as fond of Henry as Garfield is of Mondays. If this is the kind of cartoon creepiness that stirs your ink pot, then you need to have this Ink Bendy Pop! Vinyl haunt your desk or display area soon, before the ink machine starts running!