Embark on an extraordinary flight experience with MetaBird, the remarkable smartphone-controlled flying bird drone. This innovative creation boasts a unique and patented technology that brings forth a poetic and larger-than-life avian wonder. With a generous range of 100 metres and an impressive 8 minutes of flight time on a recharge of just 12 minutes! MetaBird weighs less than 10 grammes, ensuring effortless manoeuvrability offering adjustable flying speeds ranging from 4 to 12 mph.
Versatility is at the core of MetaBird's design. Its easy indoor handling and captivating aerial stunts make it a thrilling choice for adventures. Whether you're gliding gracefully or nimbly skimming over obstacles, MetaBird delivers a mesmerizing performance. The accompanying flying app, intuitively designed and quick to master within minutes, grants you complete control over the bird using just one hand, making the experience seamless and exhilarating.
Compatible with Apple and Android devices, MetaBird opens up a world of possibilities. Unleash your creativity as you navigate the skies with this captivating creature. Please note that MetaBird is not a toy and is not suitable for individuals under 14 years of age. Prepare to be awe-inspired as you witness MetaBird take flight, defying gravity and igniting a sense of wonder in all who witness its soaring elegance.