Hack your way to parenting success – the ultimate collection of viral TikTok parenting tips
Newsflash, parenting is hard! Luckily, there are a whole host of brave and bonkers parents out there who have got skills and tricks they’re willing to share – and you can reap the benefits!
To minimise scroll time, we’ve gathered and analysed over 10,000 TikTok videos from the past 12 months, crunching the numbers on parenting related hashtags to filter the top viral hacks from TikTok parents, because…..why parent hard when you could parent smart?
- Struggling to get them to bed at a reasonable hour? There’s a hack for that!
- Constantly stepping on Lego and tripping over cuddly toys? There’s a hack for that!
- Worried that they’re getting too much screen time? There’s a hack for that too!!
There’s no such thing as the perfect parent. Whether you’re a rookie dad trying your best to get it right the first time or a well seasoned second, third (or even fourth!) time parent hoping to nail it this time around, we’re here to take the pressure off and give you permission to make mistakes and enjoy yourself!
To all the Menkind fathers out there, we salute you! Keep up the good work and check out our selection of game-changing hacks that TikTok dads are claiming the credit for…
1. A motorised toy can soothe while you sleep (Play count: 54,100,000)
Coming in strong is a hack that’s sure to help you catch some Zs. This dad’s genius use of a motorised fish has racked up over 54 million plays on TikTok and we are sure has been tried by many. You might need to stock up on batteries but it will all be worth it when you and your little one are sound asleep, being rocked gently by the regular pat of a fish’s tail - a sentence we never thought we’d say!
2. Turn the car seat into a spaceship launch pad (Play count: 6,300,000)
Could this be the solution to car seat tantrums? The 6.3 million plays on TikTok would suggest so. So, next time you’re wrestling your toddler into the car, pinning down flailing arms and legs whilst trying to secure fiddly straps in the middle of a busy car park - think spaceship! In just 3…,2….,1, you could have lift off.
3. Shots to help the medicine go down (Play count: 4,200,000)
Perhaps not quite what Mary Poppins had in mind but effective nonetheless, a father and son game of shots to get them taking their medicine is an inventive dad hack that plays to his strengths. Line them up on the ‘bar’ and start knocking them back for a father-son bonding session that ends in the opposite of a hangover.
4. Hands-free bottle feeding for gamer dads (Play count: 2,700,000)
Who said dads can’t multitask?! This simple dad hack will have you meeting your child's needs and your gaming needs at the same time. A whopping 2.7 million plays of this clever hack has had gamer dads reaching for the gaffer tape - FTW!
5. Turbo boost your Allen key for speedy flatpack builds (Play count: 178,800)
Whether you’re preparing a cot for a new arrival or building bunk beds for your brood, use this hack to save yourself time, effort and lots of effing and jeffing! Assemble your flatpack furniture in record time, hide in your man cave and enjoy a bit of peace and quiet while you can. You deserve it.
6. Wish your kids a Happy Cheeaster! (Play count: 148,700)
If you fancy yourself a bit of a joker dad, or perhaps you’re just concerned with healthy eating, this low calorie take on an Easter treat could be the hack for you. With almost 150 thousand plays on TikTok, this dad chooses to load refillable plastic eggs with cottage cheese rather than the more traditional chocolate option. You could tweak to your liking - peas? Olives? Hummus? - and then find somewhere to shelter until the egg hunt chaos and outrage has blown over.
7. Let your vacuum do all the work - not just the cleaning (Play count: 46,700)
We’ve all wondered what the future will be like and fantasised about all the menial tasks that robots will be doing for us and this dad hack certainly fast-forwards us to that future! Join the thousands of viewers of this TikTok video and marvel at the robot that can clean floors and take care of a baby at the flick of a switch. Whatever next!?
8. Uninterrupted screentime for toddlers who can't resist pushing buttons (Play count: 42,900)
With a play count of over 42,000, this practical, tech solution is sure to reduce the ‘dad….dad..dad….daddy!’ nagging you are currently bombarded with every minute or two. As much as your little ones want to watch their favourite cartoons on your tablet, they just can’t keep their fingers from wandering and ruining it all. This hack puts an end to all that with handy instructions on how to set up guided access.
9. Use a plastic rake to tidy up toys (Play count: 17,200)
For any dad kind enough to help their kids tidy their room, they deserve a classic dad hack to speed up the process. Over 17,000 plays puts this hack into 9th place on the list of popular dad hacks and will have the floor cleared of debris in no time - all you need is a plastic rake!
10. Attach a lead to the baby walker (Play count: 1,960)
With so many of us working from home over the pandemic and juggling work life with family life, it’s no surprise that this hack has had close to 2,000 plays on TikTok. This busy dad shows us how to get things done and maintain productivity even when you have childcare commitments.
As well as these genius dad hacks, we’ve taken the liberty of putting together a few more compilations of popular parenting hacks we think you might appreciate…
Gadget and Tech Hacks
Here at Menkind, we do love a gadget. Gadgets and tech that also function as parenting hacks are the best thing since the swiss army knife!
This top 7 list has hacks for all tech levels and makes use of gadgets you may already have to hand. From the basics (taking away their chargers and watching panic set in as their battery levels get lower and lower), to the more advanced (converting the ice dispenser on your fridge into a vending machine), and everything in between.
Interestingly, 3 of the top 7 places on the list are claimed by hacks that employ technology as child supervision, and using a drone to keep an eye on them whilst they’re exploring the neighbourhood has got to be one of our favourites!
For gamer parents, last but not least on the list, with just 45 plays is a clever hack for anyone who wants to maintain their high score record. This hack makes use of a dud controller so that your kids can join in without messing up your game.
- Not enough hands? Use customised voice commands to scroll socials whilst doing chores (Play count:7.1M) - View TikTok Video
- Take away their chargers, not their devices (Play count: 708.3K) - View TikTok Video
- Turn your fridge ice dispenser into a chocolate dispenser instead! (Play count: 62.1K) - View TikTok Video
- Invest in a second screen babysitter (Play count: 49.6K) - View TikTok Video
- Repurpose a key finder as a tv remote finder (Play count: 7.2K) - View TikTok Video
- Set up your car sound system for business in the front, kids party in the back (Play count: 2.6K) - View TikTok Video
- Keep an old console controller handy so they can 'join in' when you can't afford to lose (Play count: 45) - View TikTok Video
Activity and Sport Hacks
Keeping the kids entertained can be exhausting, especially if you are running low on ideas or your ideas have you running around as much as them.
This top 8 list has hacks for future parent sport coaches itching to start training early, as well as the more laid back ‘it’s the taking part that counts’ types, but it’s a water safety hack that takes top spot on the list with an incredible 14.8 million plays.
Hacks for baseball or ball games dominate the list, taking 3 of the top 8 places and indoor swings prove popular with two similar hacks totalling almost 892,000 plays on TikTok.
- Let them float on their own (Play count: 14.8M) - View TikTok Video
- Install a flying cozy coupe (Play count: 841.7K) - View TikTok Video
- Piggy back rides for them, lawn mowing for you (Play count: 284.4K) - View TikTok Video
- Reel in stray tennis balls with a fishing rod (Play count: 2.4K) - View TikTok Video
- Start them on a two wheel scooter for cycling success (Play count: 1.9K) - View TikTok Video
- Make a non-slip bubblewand using tape (Play count: 1.8K) - View TikTok Video
- Make a DIY ball launcher for the garden (Play count: 1.8K) - View TikTok Video
- Use bubbles for early bat and ball training (Play count: 0.8K) - View TikTok Video
Most Popular Food Hacks
For all you foodie parents out there, we found some great TikTok hacks to help you out in the kitchen, from quick snack ideas to hiding your favourite snacks. When hunger strikes, we’ve got you covered.
Taking 4 of the top 8 places on this list are kid friendly snack hacks that are easy to prepare and prove popular on TikTok with close to 850,000 plays between them. But these don’t come close to the popularity of a dad hiding his favourite snacks in a frozen veg bag and keeping them in the freezer! This has been played 1.8 million times.
- Disguise snacks as frozen veg (Play count: 1.8M) - View TikTok Video
- Don't like the taste of healthy foods? Hide it under something they love (Play count: 868K) - View TikTok Video
- Make riceball snacks by shaking mini containers (Play count: 817K) - View TikTok Video
- Pasta kebab sticks make a great snack (Play count: 15K) - View TikTok Video
- Hassle free toastie pockets (Play count: 13K) - View TikTok Video
- Check if they're banana hungry (Play count: 12K) - View TikTok Video
- Simply hide treats behind other food - they are useless at 'looking' for things (Play count: 1.8K) - View TikTok Video
- Fruit cutters to the rescue - how you get your kids to eat more fruit (and reduce choking hazards) (Play count: 266) – View TikTok Video
Most Popular Parenting Hacks
A one stop shop for all things parenting from the mums and dads of TikTok, this top 10 list of parenting hacks is hilarious and practical in equal measures.
When a plastic goose being used as a sleep training aid gets 11.4 million plays on TikTok you know there are some seriously sleep-deprived parents out there desperate for an answer. Could this be it? There’s only one way to find out!
- Use a plastic goose to keep your toddlers in bed (Play count: 11M) - View TikTok Video
- A glowing target for children who are sick in the night (Play count: 5M) - View TikTok Video
- Use painters tape to mark out no go zones (Play count: 5M) - View TikTok Video
- Trick them into doing exercise (Play count: 3M) - View TikTok Video
- Change the Netflix password to get your children's attention (Play count: 995K) - View TikTok Video
- Warm-up baby milk in your takeaway coffee (Play count: 476K) - View TikTok Video
- Dummies at every turn (Play count: 228K) - View TikTok Video
- Secure your loo roll with a hair scrunchie (Play count: 180K) - View TikTok Video
- Remove baby grows from top to bottom to avoid nappy blowout disasters (Play count: 107K) - View TikTok Video
- Gamify pedometers to get your kids doing chores (Play count: 83K) - View TikTok Video
Top 9 Ultimate TikTok Hacks for Parents
To ensure no stone was left unturned, we put together a top 9 of the most played TikTok hacks from all the videos we had (regardless of the specific parenting hack category) to bring you an ultimate hack list for parents. You’ll recognise some favourites from other categories as well as some new gems.
- A motorised toy can soothe while you sleep (Play count: 54M) - View TikTok Video
- Pool noodles can be used to stop doors slamming (Play count: 50M) - View TikTok Video
- Upgrade their play kitchen (Play count: 36M) - View TikTok Video
- Tell them a star appears on their forehead when they lie (Play count: 28M) - View TikTok Video
- Hook up your pushchair to the shopping trolley (Play count: 15M) - View TikTok Video
- Turn the car seat into a spaceship launch pad (Play count: 14M) - View TikTok Video
- Don't take them shoe shopping, just cut out their foot! (Play count: 10M) - View TikTok Video
- Clean up sandy feet (Play count: 1.6M) - View TikTok Video
- Get them spinning for tv time (Play count: 1.6M) - View TikTok Video
We gathered and analysed TikTok parenting hacks from the previous 12 months (10,448 TikTok videos) where the video caption included at least one of the top relevant hashtags below:
#parentinghacks #parentinghack #parentinghumor #parenthacks #parenting101 #parentingwin #momhacks #dadhacks #momhack #dadhack #parentingtips #parentingadvice #parentinglifehacks #momtips #dadtips #parentsoftiktok #dadsoftiktok #momsoftiktok #parentinghacks101 #parenthacks101 #momhack101 #dadhack101 #babyhacks
We categorised the TikTok videos and based on the play counts ranked the parenting hacks from most to least popular, revealing the top parenting hacks on TikTok.
You can download the full dataset here.