What to Write in a Father’s Day Card

What to Write in a Father’s Day Card

We’re never ones to judge. But, if you start a Father’s Day card with, ‘To Whom It May Concern’ and leave the rest blank, it might not send the message of love and affection that you were hoping to convey this Father’s Day.

So, maybe you’re not the Shakespeare of card-writing. That’s OK. It’s still possible to come up with a brilliantly original Father’s Day message that’ll knock your dad’s retro cartoon character socks off.

Not to brag or anything, but we’re pretty good at gifting. And, as a kind of side talent that we’ve naturally picked up, we know a thing or two about writing greetings cards. And, we’re willing to (ahem) gift you the info you need to create a card so beautifully-written that it’ll deserve a Nobel Prize for literature (or at least a mention in your local supermarket newspaper).

So, read on to learn all you need to know about how to write a Father’s Day card.

Father’s Day message ideas: matching the message to the man

There are as many different kinds of dads as there are toiletry kits to choose from around this time of year. There are fun dads, funny dads, fashionable dads, dads that think they’re fashionable but aren’t, serious dads, cool dads, dads that think they’re seriously cool but can’t be taken seriously… The list goes on.

Point is, when you’re writing a Father’s Day card, it’s important to choose the right tone for the type of dad.

We can’t really help you much more with this. After all, nobody knows your dad better than you do. But, if you’re really struggling to sort your serious dad from your goofball dad, consider the following: have you ever seen him (either in photos or real life) wearing socks and sandals? If you answered yes, or can just picture it… yeah, you have a goofball dad.

So, now that you have a better idea of the type of tone you should be aiming for, here are a few different message types:

1. Fun Father’s Day messages

Father’s Day is about thanking your dad for everything he has done for you, and still does for you. It’s a day to honour him and make him feel special. But, that doesn’t mean it has to be soppier than a made-for-TV romantic drama… that’s filmed in soft focus.

If you have a funnier relationship with your dad, carry that into his Father’s Day card with messages like:

  • Having kids suits you… if only your clothes did, too.
  • Dad, you must be so proud to have raised such a brilliant, clever, good-looking, witty, and funny child. Enjoy this day that’s all about you.
  • Some men manage to stay cool, handsome, and youthful after they have kids. What happened to you?
  • Dad, you may tell embarrassing jokes and have lame dance moves, but… that’s all that I can fit in this card. I’ll email you the rest.
  • If only I could express how much you mean to me, Dad. I feel my words are as thin as your hair.

2. Inspirational Father’s Day messages

Maybe taking shots at your dad’s self-esteem isn’t how you like to roll. OK, to each their own. If that’s the case, you’ll probably want to actually make your dad feel good on his special day. So, think about sentimental messages like:

  • Dad, you’re a huge inspiration to me. If I grow up to be even half the man you are, you’ll have done a fantastic job.
  • I’m so proud to have you as a father. Thanks for being a fantastic role model. I love you, Dad.
  • Dad, your love, wisdom, and guidance are immense. I hope you know my gratitude is the same.
  • Growing up with you as a dad was the best gift I could ever hope for.
  • Dad, you’re always the first person I go to for advice and the last person I want to disappoint. Thanks for always being there for me.

3. Quotes for Father’s Day cards

Sometimes you have the feeling, but can’t quite put it into words (like when you try to answer the first question of a job interview). That’s when it helps to use someone else’s words. Here are some quotes about fatherhood that’ll make your card’s message as special as the foil-wrapped biscuit in a variety box:

  • “Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad, and that’s why I call you dad, because you are so special to me.” – Wade Boggs
  • “A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society.” – Billy Graham
  • “I love my father as the stars – he’s a bright, shining example and a happy twinkling in my heart” – Terri Guillemets
  • “A father is the one friend upon whom we can always rely.” – Emile Gaboriau
  • “Daddies don’t just love their children every now and then, it’s a love without end.” – George Strait

4. Father’s Day messages for your grandfather

Your Grandad isn’t just there to put money in your birthday cards, tell you the same story 500 times, and deafen you with his TV volume. He’s a big part of who you are. And, if you want to let him know how special he is to you, write him something like:

  • There’s some knowledge that even dads can’t pass on. That’s what grandads are for. Thanks for always being there for me.
  • For all the ice cream for breakfast and staying up after bedtime, thank you! Have a brilliant Father’s Day, Grandpa.
  • Your strength of will, courage, kindness, and wisdom are an inspiration to me. Happy Father’s Day to an incredible grandad.
  • The word ‘grand’ doesn’t seem enough to describe you. I think I’ll call you Spectaculardad from now on!
  • Thanks for being an amazing friend to me all my life. I love you lots, Grandad.

5. Father’s Day messages for your son

Father’s Day messages don’t always just have to go up the ranks. So, to show your son how proud you are of him, write him something like:

  • Thanks for being such an incredible father to our wonderful grandchild. I’m proud of you, son.
  • There’s nothing more I can teach you about fatherhood. The student has become the master!
  • I’m so happy that you’re a dad because now you understand exactly how proud I am of you. I love you, son.
  • I spent my whole life trying to teach you, yet now I’m learning so much about fatherhood. You’re a wonderful dad, son.
  • I hope your Father’s Day is as happy as you make me. Lots of love from a proud grandparent.

How to write the perfect Father’s Day card

When it comes down to it, writing a Father’s Day card is easy. You don’t need to use all the flowery language of a beat poet on a caffeine high and your message doesn’t have to be the length of War and Peace. Instead, just think of how your dad makes you feel and put it in his card. Sorted.

Hopefully these few tips and ideas help you make your dad’s Father’s Day card something that he’ll cherish as much as the cartoon character socks he’s had for too long.