Not for sale to persons under the age of 18. By placing an order for this product, you declare that you are 18 years of age or over. This item must be used responsibly and appropriately.
Some people cultivate roses for relaxation… you just cultivate rosé. Or, at least, you will once your brand-new Sparkling Rosé Kit arrives!
Yep, you heard right – this kit literally lets you make up to 5 bottles of rosé right in your kitchen! It includes everything you need to brew up your batch, including ingredients, bottling equipment, and even corks. You’ll just need to provide 5 sparkling wine bottles (which shouldn’t be too hard for a rosé rascal like you).
Instead of dealing with insects, mildew, and thorns while you wait for your roses to bloom, you just need to combine the ingredients, monitor the process for around 6 weeks, and then pour your brand-sparkling-new rosé into bottles! Plus, when you want to make a new batch (which’ll be right away, we’re sure), you just need to get some new ingredients – the equipment is all reusable.
Forget getting physical out in the garden. We say, get fizzical in your kitchen with your very own sparkling rosé kit!