The Bucket of Doom may sound like one of the stages of the Hunger Games but don’t worry as you will only be in imaginary danger. This diabolic card game is designed to get your imaginations running and your sides splitting as you have to think of how you would escape from the deadly situations chosen.
200 useless object cards are included within the Bucket of Doom as well as 70 strange and slightly terrifying situations. When a deadly scenario is pulled from the pack (for example – you’ve fallen down a well) all you have to do is pick one of your object cards that would save you from this terrible ordeal. The object cards range from quite useful, to absolutely bonkers including Bagpipes, an angry beaver, prize winning marrows and a Barry White CD. Sell your escape plan to your friends and whoever is voted to have the best is crowned the winner/survivor! This highly addictive and hilariously fun game encourages imagination and creativity but, it also includes some rather naughty words so it probably isn’t great for children.