When preparing for a weekend away, whether it be a camping trip or outdoor hike, it is essential that you have a check list which will ensure those important travel items do not get missed. Now we know how important it is to keep hydrated whilst on our travels, making this Green Classic Stanley Pocket Flask the number one travel accessory!
This 18/8 stainless steel pocket flask is a great size - making it easy to store and pack ready for your travels. Built to last and leak proof, this vital travel item will not disappoint and will trial any challenging weather conditions! The integrated lanyard provides extra security to ensure maximum safekeeping whilst away on your trip.
About Stanley
Remember that green bottle your dad or grandad always carried on fishing and camping trips? And no matter how many times it was dropped, it always kept the coffee hot! Well, that’s the legendary Stanley brand. Today they offer a wide range of products that are built to last no matter how severe the conditions are.