Carrying cash is handy, but it does mean that you have to carry a bigger wallet than you would if you knew you could just use your cards. Cards, on the other hand, are slim and light, but don’t help you if you encounter a machine or shop that only takes cash. What you need is a wallet that gives you the option of carrying either cards or cash, or both. And, that’s exactly what you get in this Cross leather bifold wallet, complete with a removable card case.
This wallet lets you carry multiple cards and bank notes, so you always have them in a pinch. But, if you want to slim down what you have to carry, you can just slip out the card case and have your vital cards right on hand.
The removable card case features a handy ID window and a slender card slot. This fits into the main wallet, which features 8 card slots and 2 cash slots, making sure that you have all the payment options that you need.
Made of soft, black leather, this wallet and its card case are both very sleek and stylish. So, if you want a versatile, well-designed wallet that looks incredible, this Cross bifold wallet is definitely for you.