Everyone needs a little massage therapy every once in a while. So if you’re on your feet all day long and need some soothing relief, this fantastic Dual Shiatsu Foot Massager helps you ease those aches and pains in no time.
So take the weight off your feet and sink into a luxurious massage experience, designed to alleviate tension in minutes. The 12 rounded nodes move gently to create a deep penetrating massage from heel to toe, rotating to reach all those difficult spots that hurt the most after a long day. The Dual Shiatsu Massager even features a Toe Touch control, activating the heat setting and providing you with a warm and soothing experience to melt away any unwanted stresses and strains.
Perfect for anyone who deserves a little ‘me’ time, we can think of no better way of relaxing after a busy day than with this fabulous foot massager.