Do you just have too many apps on your phone? Do you have so much money that you don’t know which country you’re going to go to next? It sounds like you, my friend, have some First World Problems – and you could do very well in convincing us of it with this board game.
Like Cards Against Humanity but making fun of clueless rich people, this game comes with a prompt for the players who answer with their funniest ‘first world problem’. This tongue-in-cheek game is the next big party game, so bust it out with your friends after a few drinks or at a family dinner to get grandma to come down off that high horse.
So get your whine on and start complaining about the lack of WiFi on your Carnival Cruise line or that your iPad just ran out of batteries right at the end of that Netflix show! Order your First World Problems today and see just how petty and privileged your friends can be.