This is the ultimate Double Entendre gift for the man in your life! A Big ONE! Great to give, even better to eat! Perfect for the individual who has bragged once too often, and we don't mean boasting about the size of his bank balance either!
This Macho Chunky Chocolate Bar more than makes up for any disappointments - and with a massive 35 grams of pure chocolate, it may be even better than the real thing! And if he doesn't like his cheeky new present - you will certainly enjoy getting your hands on it... The Chocolate that is. It's just WIN, WIN, WIN!
This gift box comprises one solid Chocolate number ONE (of course) weighing 35 grams. Number on measures approximately 11.5cm tall .For those with a filthy mind, we need to ask the question "What else could it be?!"
Makes a great risque novelty Birthday present, Valentine's Gift, Anniversary present or just a silly gift for someone who likes boast a bit....