Think you have the style to pull of a Fortnite Rocket Launcher. Yeah, we’re certain you can (ahem) rocket with style. That’s why you need this Fortnite RL Nerf Super Soaker!
So, it might not shoot actual rockets, but it’s still explosive. Yep, with a capacity of 264 ml, this pump-action Super Soaker is well equipped to blast water with the might of a fireman’s hose, but do it stealthier than a Fortnite sneak attack!
Did someone mention Fortnite? Oh yeah, this Nerf Super Soaker is based on the rocket launcher from Fortnite, meaning that you can feel like you’re actually chasing Victory Royale as you drench your opponents.
So, if you want your water to be as feared as the ocean in Fortnite, order this Fortnite RL Nerf Super Soaker today!