Spoilers may follow: consider yourselves warned.
So - as anyone who knows Game of Thrones well will happily attest: not many people who wear the pin of the Hand of the King have good luck. From the sticky ends of Jon Arryn and Ned Stark, to the sticky ends of Tywin and Kevan Lannister, to… well, let’s be honest, only Qyburn and Tyrion seem to have any luck with this “Hand” nonsense, and that’s got a big “yet” on it (there’s still a season in the works, after all!). So, with that in mind, you might not be all that eager to wear the pin of the Hand.
Still, if you are brave enough to wear the symbol, this 14 centimetre replica of this most important symbol of office is a superb accessory and collectible, with a solid zinc alloy construction and a beautiful finish. Complete with stunningly accurate details, this truly is a symbol of power and respect worth owning for yourself.
Just make sure not to trust anyone. After all: when you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die.