Infantile humour laced with more swear words than a Samuel L Jackson movie? No, we’re not talking about the moments before closing time down the pub. We’re talking about Go the F**k to Sleep – the hit children’s book��� for adults!
Written in the style on a nursery rhyme, this brilliant book by author, Adam Mansbach, takes all of the pain of bedtime and plops it on the table. Yep, it’s not just you… everyone has moments of parenthood that are less comfortable than a botched enema administered by a heavy-handed builder.
It might be obvious at this point, but we’ll say it anyway: this book isn’t actually for kids. If you feel like scarring them, you might as well just splice scenes from Pulp Fiction into their Peppa Pig episodes.
This book really lets you know that you’re not alone in your struggles. So, for the equivalent of a group hug in paper form, order this Go the F**k to Sleep book today!