Can you feel that cold wet weather? You know what that must mean – dementor attack! And the best defence is clearly this Hogwarts colour change umbrella!
It never Rons, but it pours… Even if all you want is to slytherinside on a cold wet day, sometimes you have to face the weather instead. Indeed, as Dumbledore once said; ‘It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to go outside without an umbrella’. So why not choose this one? Not only will it defend you from the wet, but as it rains it changes colour, just like magic! The Hogwarts crests are grey when the umbrella is dry, and when wet are suddenly a multi-coloured masterpiece – no spells required!
It also features an extendable shaft, a rubber handle with string hook, and a matching sleeve that reads ‘Hogwarts’. With this umbrella, Dobby is free (to go out in the wet!). If you don’t want this umbrella by now, there must be something Ron with you!