From the mouth of Albus Dumbledore himself – “words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury and remedying it.” While we can’t guarantee that you can do actual magic with this Harry Potter Ollivanders Wand Pen Box, you can certainly compose all of those magical words with them.
Produced by Ollivanders Fine Wands (est. 382 BC), you can guarantee that Mr Ollivander took great care in creating these four fantastic wand-shaped pens. These pens are designed around wands from the famous film series – see if you can figure out which wand picked which wizard!
For any aspiring writers, whimsical day-dreamers or simply would-be wizards and witches, this is the perfect gift to keep them writing away and making magic of their own.
The wand picks the wizard, and if you’re on this page, you should take it as a sign! Order your Harry Potter Ollivander Wand Pen Box today!