You can’t help but notice how quickly the world is advancing with technology so we are pretty darn sure that at some point, battling robotic spiders are going to attack. That’s why we think now is the perfect time to learn how to control and defeat them.
We proudly introduce the HEXBUG Battle Spiders. These fearsome looking robots have been equipped with infrared laser cannons mounted on their shoulders (well they would be if spiders had shoulders of course). As you fire, your battling spider will light up and recoil. If you opponent is hit, they will temporarily be stunned. Target your enemy ten times and the battle is won! All hits are registered on the top of the spider head via the life indicator so you can see how close you are to victory/defeat.
Futuristic voices let you know what frequency you are on and super cool sound effects are included to make the HEXBUG Battle Spiders even more exciting.