Introducing Hit Send, the Ultimate Text Roulette Party Game birthed from the creative minds of YouTube supergroup the Sidemen.
Embark on a rollercoaster of hilarity as you rack up points by unleashing a barrage of unexpected messages crafted by your mischievous friends. From light-hearted declarations of "I love you" to jaw-dropping bombshells such as "Think my mom is having an affair with your dad," every text is sure to spark a whole heap of drama! The random contact generator also promises more chaos, throwing your messages into the arms of unsuspecting recipients—be it your dear old mum, a long-lost ex, or even your formidable boss.
Buckle up, because this isn't just a game; it's a wild ride that will leave you laughing, cringing, and eagerly anticipating your next leap into the unknown world of texting absurdity! Recommended for ages 18+.