HMS Victory 3D Puzzle: What is it?
It’s a model, made of card, that you put together like a puzzle… but in 3 dimensions! It even comes with a display base so you can show it off when you’re finished.
About the product
This 3D puzzle comes in flat form. Simply push out the pieces and then push them together. You don’t need any tools or glue whatsoever. Made up of 189 pieces, it takes roughly four to five hours to complete and measures about 57 cm x 46 cm x 21 cm once fully assembled.
Why you should buy it
We love the smell of the ocean in the morning. Smells like… Victory! This 3D model makes a great Father’s Day gift or a nice, relaxing project for anyone who wants some quiet time to rest their sea legs. Order this HMS Victory 3D Puzzle now!