The Hubsan H502C - a machine designed to be among the most awesome flying machines around. With a sleek white paint job that makes it look the business, it's definitely a looker, but make no mistake. This isn’t just a pretty toy; this is a truly powerful flying machine, one that will make you the envy of other flyers. These are some of its incredible features.
Altitude Lock. The H502C has an altitude lock function, meaning you can hold it at whatever height you like and not have to worry about maintaining the altitude yourself, leaving you free to concentrate on your flying on the X axis.
GPS. The H502C has a GPS augmented navigation that makes it considerably easier to navigate, as well as enabling the auto return and failsafe functions.
Automatic Return. With the automatic return function, you don't need to worry about your landing skills at all: with a single button press, the H502C can be told to land at a specified “home” point.
Built-in HD Camera. The H502C has an HD camera installed, allowing it to record beautiful footage or take high quality pictures, all captured on a micro SD card. You can then share these with your friends.
Failsafe. If you lose connection with your drone, or if its battery gets low, worry not! The failsafe function, enabled by the GPS, makes the drone return to home point automatically should the worst occur.
Ideal for taking out for a flight with your friends, with an awesoem 10 minute flight time that easily matches other drones in its class, this is a brilliant choice for pro flyers seeking an awesome experience, but has plenty of features for beginners to enjoy too.
Flying drones is subject to CAA guidelines; please see here for more details.