The Hubsan X4 Star is among the top-tier of its type: a machine designed for one purpose Alone - to be the most awesome flying machine it can possibly be. While it has a sleek white paint job that makes it look the business, this isn’t just a pretty toy, but a truly powerful flying machine that will make you the envy of other drone flyers. These are just some of the awesome features:
Altitude Lock. The X4 Star can be set to hold altitude, meaning you can hold it at your preferred height and not have to worry about maintaining it yourself, leaving you free to concentrate on your flying on the X axis.
GPS. GPS augmented navigation makes the X4 Star easier to navigate, as well as enabling the auto return and failsafe functions.
Automatic Return. Never worry about your landing skills ever again: with a single button press, the X4 Star lands at a specified “home” point.
Failsafe. If you lose connection with the X4 Star, from flying too far off into the distance or your controller turning off worry not! The failsafe function, enabled by the GPS, makes the drone return to home point automatically should the worst occur.
Built-in HD Camera. The X4 Star has an HD camera installed, allowing it to record beautiful footage or take high quality pictures, all captured on a micro SD card. You can then share these with your friends.
Perfect for flying out with your friends, with a superb 10 minute flight time that matches other drones in its class, this is a brilliant choice for pro flyers seeking an awesome experience, but has plenty of features for beginners to enjoy too.
Flying drones is subject to CAA guidelines; please see here for more details.