We’ve all been there before. Your favourite tune comes on your headphones, and you just have to share it with your friend. So you unplug one earbud and pass it over… Only to enter a nightmare realm of shared ear wax, tangled cables and missing half the darn song because the stereo panning has put almost all of that awesome breakdown on the left channel so all you get is “tss tss tsstsstss” whilst they’re getting “BOOM boom widdly widdly boomboom braaaap”.
Well we come bearing good news. You need never go there again with the cunning Jack Rabbit Headphone Splitter. We know, we know; traditionally it’s foxes that are cunning. But trust us, this is definitely one cunning bunny. Simply plug Jack into the headphone socket of your device and pop two pairs of earphones into his ears and boom! You’re both rocking to the same beat, in full, in both ears, at the same time. No icky wax goo on your headphones, no awkward moments when you try to turn away but end up popping out an earbud and definitely no more missing half the song because you’ve got the wrong earphone.
So if you love sharing your music with friends but you’re totally over faffing around sharing earphones then get yourself a Jack Rabbit Headphone Splitter and enjoy spreading the musical love again.