Heralded as being the original granddaddy of the modern beat ‘em up game, during 1984 we all wanted to be a Karate Champ. What better way to bring this game into the modern world then on an arcade machine?
Of course, not everyone has the space for a full-size arcade machine in their home. So, one way that you can still enjoy this game on an arcade machine is with this mini version.
This arcade machine is approximately 17cm tall and comes with a 7cm screen. The machine itself is decorated with artwork that has been inspired by the original game.
It comes with a removable joystick, full volume control and a 3.5mm headphone jack. Everything that you could possibly want. It even has the option to be charged with a micro-USB cable or it can be powered with 4 x AA batteries (which are not included).
So, if you have a wannabe Karate Champ in your home, or you are a fan of retro games, then take a look at this machine! It is great fun and an ideal gift, so buy it now!