Think of a fruit beginning with A. Apricot! Apple! African Cherry Orange!! Test your word skills when placed on the spot with this fast paced game of Last Word.
Players must get the last word in before anyone else in order to win. To play each player must first choose a subject card and hold it in their hand without showing any other players. Then a letter card needs to be read aloud for all the players to hear. So for example the letter may be 'G' and the category 'Vegetables' so each player has to think of a vegetable beginning with G. However, the twist is that it's a race, so each player is working against the clock to think of their chosen word in time. The timer goes off at random intervals so you will never know from one moment to the next how long you will have!!
This game is full of excitement and promises hours of screams and laughs along with some intense fun and makes a perfect after dinner game. The game is for 2 – 8 players and suitable for ages 8 and up.