To employ a cliche, ever since man first learned to walk, he looked at the sky and dreamed of conquering it. Nowadays we’ve pretty much sorted that, but it’s still nice to somehow make one’s mark - and for those of you wanting to dodge the drone craze, this Light Up Marble Copter is the perfect way to do so.
Basically, this is the sort of thing you slingshot into the air to see it spin, sail, soar and eventually fall back to Earth (or straight up plummet if you get your launch angle wrong). Designed for outdoor use, this baby can shoot pretty far if you give it the appropriate welly - we don’t advise using it indoors if you enjoy intact ornaments in your home. We made that mistake once, gentle internet shoppers, and it was not pretty.
The Marble contained within the copter’s casing serves the twofold purpose of being the source of the light (hence ‘light up’), as well as serving to help the aerial balance of the copter. Once shot up into the air - with a brilliant slingshot design that really pumps up the nostalgia - it spins and floats, before plummeting to the ground in a glorious display that is surprisingly fun to watch, and best of all, the sturdy design can survive being shot repeatedly and landing on the hardest of concrete (though we suspect it would prefer to land on grass).
In short, this is the perfect outdoor toy for someone wanting an old fashioned and fun aerial experience.