Now with the Like/Dislike Stamp you can authoritatively show your pleasure or displeasure at pretty much anything you can stamp on. For thousands of years, we've been giving the thumbs up or the thumbs down gesture - it even dates back to the ancient Romans when bloodthirsty spectators used to instruct gladiators as to whether they should spare their opponents or not. Now in the 21st century, social networking sites such as Facebook offer it as a source of opinion.
With the ink in each stamp lasting for up to 5000 assertions, you're free to show your feeling on things of your choice to the world! Organize your never-ending medley of takeaway menus with a definitive answer on whether or not you'd order from them again, cast your decision on that dreaded school report due later this month or simply show the world your feeling on anything, at any time! There is nothing like giving the silent treatment when annoyed; give the rubber ear by literally rubber stamping!
The novelty and fun of these stamps won't run out until you stop liking and disliking things! Please Note: This product is not associated with Facebook. Any trademarks that may be depicted are the property of their respective owners. No connection between such owners is implied.