He is the servant of the secret fire, and the wielder of the flame of Anor! He is the bearer of Narya, one of the Three Rings of the Elves. He is Gandalf the Grey, Gandalf Stormcrow, Mithrandir the Grey Pilgrim, and he stands now in Pop! Vinyl form; ready to defend any bridges and fight any fire demons that may threaten you!
Clad in his grey robes and modelled after his dishevelled, battle-weary appearance as he stood against the Balrog of Morgoth, this Gandalf the Grey figurine wields his staff of power as well as the ancient and noble Elven sword Glamdring. With them he stands like a solemn guardian, his serious face staring out, filled with the inner power of the Valar. In short, this Pop! Is the closest a Vinyl figure can get to capturing not just the intensity of the character of Gandalf, but the beautiful performance of Ian McKellen. Definitely a must-have for any Tolkien fan.