MiP is one of the most innovative and exciting developments in robotics for a long time, not to mention being pretty darn cute. The latest incarnation of this robotic toy, the brand-new MiP Coder, comes with some exciting features that mean you’ll be able to take your experience with this adorable electronic fella to the next level.
Thanks to the free new app that connects to this robotic marvel via his Bluetooth connection, your kids will now be able to begin using basic programming skills, in a fun and simple to use interface. Now you can instruct MiP to move about, deliver objects, make noises and do a bunch of other fun things in response to stimuli.
With his BeaconSense, MiP will be able to navigate through his surroundings and figure out his position in relation to everything else. Cooler still, GestureSense allows MiP to react to your gestures, such as swipes, claps, touch and more. This amazing technology means you can program him to use IFTTT tech, to react to your movements as stimuli. He has sound detection, allowing him to react to noises, and he even has a gyroscope and accelerometer, meaning he knows when you’re picking him up.
With the ability to carry his own weight, swappable tyres for different terrain and a USB rechargeable battery to ensure the fun lasts longer, this fella is just what all you robotics fans have been waiting for.