If there could be any characteristic associated with Katsuki Bakugo, any true My Hero Academia fan would tell you that it is heat. Hot-headedness, an explosive temper, and a fiery personality combine to make his super-power (exploding stuff) truly characteristic. And, if you like your coffee as hot as your characters, you need this My Hero Academia Bakugo Grenade Mug!
Modelled in the style of Katsuki’s costume, this mug emulates what he is best known for when looking at him: those big, bulky grenade-shaped gauntlets he constantly wears on his wrists. Unlike in the show, however, this won’t explode when you try to sip your coffee… but it may help it explode with flavour!
This is designed with the My Hero Academia fan-base in mind, and so if you’re in that camp, you’ll obviously love this mug. But, it could be a fantastic gift for someone who just thinks grenades are cool.
So if you like your coffee to give you some explosive energy, order this My Hero Academia Bakugo Grenade Mug now!