Have you been struggling to make the jump to smartwatches because you don’t want to leave the sophistication of analogue behind? Well, with the MyKronoz ZeTime Premium Hybrid smartwatch, you don’t have to!
This watch has all the precision of a Swiss-designed analogue timepiece, complete with mechanical hands, but features a touchscreen for making calls, checking notifications, and generally staying healthy. And, with hand-moving technology, the hands won’t ever get in your way when you’re trying to read your messages!
This smartwatch’s screen allows you to accept or reject calls, view who’s calling, and receive social notifications, calendar events, emails. It can even link to your phone’s camera and music player to take pictures and skip through tracks! And, even better, it can greatly improve your health. This smartwatch monitors your heart rate, counts your burned-off calories, tracks your steps, measures your distance moved, and even tracks your sleep!
So, if you’re ready to embrace the future but still maintain classic sophistication, order this MyKronoz ZeTime Premium smartwatch today!