What goes on inside a Stormtrooper’s helmet? A need to please the Emperor, enough eye misalignment that aiming is always compromised, maybe humming the death march, and… plants? At least, that’s the case with this Original Stormtrooper Terrarium!
This see-through glass terrarium is able to give your room that little kick of freshness you've been looking for. This little helmet can hold little succulents, cacti or small plants to make your sleeping quarters of the Death Star seem a little brighter and full of energy. You'll need that when destroying the Rebellion.
While it may not come with a plant or soil, this terrarium is versatile and can be used for all sorts of things. Keep your change in it? Sure! Suggestion box at work? Go for it! Collected dog tags from downed Rebel scum? You know, if that’s your thing!
Order your Stormtrooper Terrarium today! We may not have a Millenium Falcon to deliver, but we're fast enough!