Embark on a nostalgic journey through television history with Peter Kay T.V.: Big Adventures on the Small Screen. In this delightful book, Peter Kay revisits the golden days of TV, sharing his personal memories and comedic insights from an era when Dusty Bin was a household name and the Brookside siege was the event of the year.
From his childhood days in Bolton, watching TV on a black-and-white portable and eagerly flipping through the Christmas TV guide, to his own remarkable career on the small screen, Peter Kay offers a unique perspective on the shows and moments that shaped his love for television. Relive the excitement of making tea at Granada Studios, marching along to '(Is This the Way to) Amarillo', and hanging out in the Rovers Return. Discover behind-the-scenes tales of Phoenix Nights, Max & Paddy’s adventures, and the creation of his BAFTA-winning performance in Car Share.
Peter Kay T.V. is an endearing and hilariously funny memoir that captures the charm and impact of TV’s golden age while celebrating Kay’s own contributions to the medium. Perfect for fans and television enthusiasts alike, this book is a vivid, laugh-out-loud trip down memory lane.