If you take your training seriously, the mirror isn’t a reliable gauge for how well you’re doing. And, you don’t exactly want to be poked and prodded just to find out your level of body fat. If only there was a way you could measure your weight, body fat, and water level just by standing on a set of scales… oh, wait, there is!
The Phoenix Fitness Scales are actually a digital body analyser that does all of the above, and more! It takes readings from 6 separate parts of your body, which are: total body weight, body fat percentage, bone percentage, muscle percentage, body water percentage, and calorie intake.
These scales have a built-in memory for storing your information so that you can measure your progress. And, so that it can it can be used by more than one person, you can cycle between 12 different users with the touch-button controls!
Fitness doesn’t happen overnight (unfortunately). It takes constant work to see consistent progress. But, if you want to see that progress like you never have before, you need Phoenix Fitness Digital Body Analyser!