This is toilet humour at its absolute yuckiness. Instead of Top Trumps this is a game of Plop Trumps. If you're familiar with the card game of Trumps where comparisons are made, then this takes the classic schoolyard game to a whole new disgusting level.
The rules are easy - simply compare the smelliness, hardness and general 'uurrgghh factor' of pictures of poo. Like the normal game of Trumps, each card has a picture and 'stats'; it also comes with an interesting fact about the animal which produced the poo - very educational indeed!
This game really does stink! Child-like in its humour and approach, this card game is ideal for grown-ups who have never really grown up! Makes a great gift for that colleague who you're not particularly keen on what a great way to show that person what you really think of them. Comes in a handy tin easy to transport or take on long car journeys! We give this a disgusting rating of 11 out of 10!