Step into the enchanting world of Kitakami, where legends and Pokémon coexist in perfect harmony amidst the wonders of nature. Unravel the secrets shrouding the masked Legendary Pokémon Ogerpon, whose mysterious presence casts a veil of intrigue over the land. Encounter new allies like Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex and Sinistcha ex as you journey through this Festival of Mischief & Mystery.
Prepare for epic battles with Tera Pokémon ex such as Greninja, Dragapult, and Magcargo, each growing in power and prowess. And don't miss out on the excitement of discovering more ACE SPEC cards to add to your collection, promising thrilling surprises and strategic advantages in every duel.
With three Pokémon boosters, a captivating Promo card, and a Code card to unlock digital treasures, the Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet—Twilight Masquerade expansion promises an unforgettable adventure for trainers of all levels. Embark on your quest and immerse yourself in the Twilight Masquerade!