Test your intellect against five amazing pioneers of modern science! Great Minds brings together our favourite puzzles of all time and links each with one of the greatest minds in history. The set of 3 brings together the Galileo, Kepler and Halley puzzles, to create the ultimate set for the puzzle lover!. Makes a perfect for gift for those who enjoy a mental challenge. The wooden puzzles are finished in an antique style to give the puzzle an aged look
Keplar's Planetery Puzzle
Aim: Separate the pieces. Can you rebuild?
Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) A German mathematician, astronomer and astrologer. A key figure in the 17th century scientific revolution, he is best known for his eponymous laws of planetary motion. His observations of a supernova in the Milky Way led to it being named Kepler's Star .
Galileo's Globe
Aim: Can you separate the globe ...and then put it back together again?
Galileo Galilei 1564 - 1642. Italian scientist and astronomer, and inventor of the telescope he also developed the compass and the thermometer. He claimed that the earth was not the centre of the universe but that the planets including Earth orbited around the sun. A controversial theory at the time!
Halley's Comet
Aim: Can you separate the comet.. and then put it back together again?
Edmund Halley (1847-1931) Aas an English Astronomer, geophysicist, mathematician, meteorologist and physicist who is best known for computing the orbit of the eponymous Halley's Comet.