Rick & Morty are back in another cracking game based on their hilarious antics, this time inspired by their first-season episode - welcome to 'Anatomy Park' (the best theme park located inside a hobo since... well, it's the only theme park located inside a hobo as far as we know, but we wouldn't put it past Rick to have started his own franchise).
The aim of the game is to amass as many points as possible while you and up to three friends lay down tiles and attempt to build the greatest and grossest theme park a human body can take, all the while under threat from a host of diseases and your 'host' Ruben's immune system. You can even elicit the help of a focus group to score even more points (because everything is better when a focus group gets involved...).
Certain actions within the game result in Bodily Reactions - which players must act out to the best of their abilities, and it's only a matter of time before poor old Ruben can't take any more and you flip over the dreaded 'Heart Attack' card. From that point you need to get to the nearest exit as soon as possible to get extra points!
In the game's advanced mode, each player draws a 'Master Plan' card, which pits players against each other to build their very own perfect vision of the park. We're not gonna lie, you are going to upset each other.
Take a trip inside the insanity that is the Rick & Morty multiverse with another game that's DEFINITELY not suitable for all the family.