In The Last Jedi, a certain leprechaun-like resident of Cantonica saw BB-8 as special enough to be filled with gold. We think that this helpful little droid is special enough to be immortalised in gold. That’s exactly why we’re super-excited to offer this Star Wars BB-8 egg cup in gold.
In case we’ve been too subtle up to this point, let’s clear it up: BB-8 gets the C-3PO treatment and comes with a shiny gold finish. And, to make sure that Funko’s reputation for details stays in better shape than the rebel fleet, all of the intricacies of BB-8‘s body are embossed right into the gold. This BB-8 egg cup also comes with a removable lid, letting your favourite little droid look the part when you aren’t tucking into your morning meal.
BB-8 has always rolled in style, but this golden treatment steps things up a notch and brings a little bling to your breakfast. In fact, regular egg cups just won’t cut it after using this awesome example of ultimate egg support. So, to start the day off with a bang worthy of an exploding Star Destroyer, be sure to get your gold BB-8 egg cup today!