Unicorns are so magical that nothing that comes out of them is gross. If they’re not sneezing glitter out their front ends they’re squeezing rainbows out their back ends. And, since we think that’s pretty awesome, we’re bringing you the more exciting of the two… sticky unicorn poo!
Ordinarily, throwing poo around the house wouldn’t be something we’d advise. But, when it’s unicorn poo… well, how can you make that sound like a bad idea? This poo has a sticky outer layer which makes it perfect for sticking to most flat surfaces, and not just the ones in fairy-tale kingdoms. Throw it at your walls, windows, and doors and it’ll stick. And, if it starts getting a little icky and less sticky, just rinse it with warm water, wipe it dry, and it’ll be as sticky as the day it fell from a unicorn!
But, this unicorn poo is good for more than just throwing (now there’s a sentence you don’t say every day!). It also has a soft, mouldable middle that makes it great for shaping. And, because the feeling of squishing it in your hand is enough to make your toes curl, you can even use it as a stress ball!
Fairy-tale princesses only have the guts to wear glass slippers because there’s nothing to hide if you’ve stepped on a dollop of rainbow mush, is there? So, if you want the brightness of unicorn bowels all over your walls (or in your hands), get your sticky unicorn poo today!