Get ready to have your world turned (ahem) Upside Down. How? Oh, just with this Stranger Things metal drinks bottle!
As black as the inside of El’s head… wait, that sounded rude. As black as a Hawkins night, this drinks bottle is styled to suit the feel of Stranger Things. So, naturally, it has text printed upside down, which reads ‘Stuck in the Upside Down’ on both front and back. It also has the official Stanger Things logo on it because, like, it’s official Stranger Things merch.
Weirdly, this bottle doesn’t do anything strange… except keep warm drinks warm and cool drinks cool. This happens because, like the show, this bottle has layers (of insulation). Oh, and, with a capacity of 500 ml, this Stanger Things bottle holds almost as much water as a Hawkins Labs test tank.
So, for a water bottle that’s as cool as Eleven’s powers, order this Stranger Things Metal Drinks Bottle today!