The Sweetheart Red Roses Bouquet of 24 is a stunning expression of love and affection. Featuring 24 deep red roses, this luxurious bouquet is perfect for celebrating special moments like anniversaries, Valentine's Day, or simply to show someone how much they mean to you.
Each rose is carefully selected to ensure vibrancy and freshness, delivering an unforgettable gift that will leave a lasting impression. The bouquet is hand-tied and arrives ready for display, though the vase is not included, giving the recipient the option to choose a perfect vase.
With a 5-day happiness guarantee, this romantic gesture ensures that your loved one will enjoy the beauty and fragrance of these exquisite roses for days to come.
- Gift Message (250 Characters Max.)
Please Note
- Your flowers will be sent with flower food, care instructions and a card containing your own personal gift message.
- Gift message will be personalised exactly as you have written so please double check spelling, punctuation and use of capital letters.
Please note: Vase not included