You remember the day as if it was yesterday. You awake with apprehension but a positive frame of mind, safe in the knowledge that we wouldn’t, as a nation, do anything quite as ridiculous as leave the EU. That would be madness you thought…surely it can’t be.…
And then the moment struck like a knife. You swipe through your phone to check whether this is really real and the Daily Mash isn’t just pulling your leg. But no, the new reality is much worse than you ever anticipated.
Luckily though, there is one silver lining to the disaster which was the EU referendum; this self help guide which manages the many stages of grief that comes with political absurdities. Ready to hold your hand through a pathway of acceptance, relaxation and therapeutic exercises, you can eventually overcome your post Brexit depression and grief.
With 160 humorous pages with help on how to accept a brand new world – and all the changes which come with it, this paperback book is the ideal gift for any one of the 48%.