At your next party, remember to take your Click Stick - the Monopod that extends to one metre so you can take the best group selfies ever! After all, we’ve all been there; you gather your mates for that massive group Selfie, you are reaching for that button... And damn! You’ve just cropped yourself out as the button is clicked.
Designed to ease the strain of taking Selfies, the Click Stick will drastically change the way you take photos! Integrated with a button which allows you to to remotely take photos, the Stick needs no Bluetooth, pairing or batteries! Simply plug your Smartphone into the headphone socket, strike a pose and click the stick! It has a tactile rubber grip handle and adjustable clamp to hold your precious phone and adjust the angle of the shot. Bang, wallop, what a picture!
Please note: Android users will need to download app camera 360 onto their phone to successfully use the Click stick.