Take out a block, but try not to send the Tower Toppling! Challenge your friends to a game of stacking blocks on top of each other to form a tower; then challenge them to pull out one at a time without knocking the whole thing flying. Then challenge them to do this after a few drinks and see the results!
Like the famous board game, Jenga, one player builds the tower on a flat sturdy surface; then you fill the shot glasses with your favourite drink. There are 4 shot glasses for a maximum of 4 players. Each player takes a turn removing a block using one hand. If the block is successfully removed, the rule on the block is followed. Once the instruction is carried out, stack the block on top of the tower. If the tower crashes, the player must finish their drink and then pick 3 blocks to follow. If you're feeling adventurous, grab a pen and write some of your own rules on the empty blocks. Please enjoy playing "Drinking Jenga" responsibly!
This is a perfect drinking game for sessions down the local or for simply a boys night in! Just set up 'em up (and the blocks of course) and watch the ensuing tumbling disaster!