Is weed how you roll but feel you’ve so much more to learn? Well now you can(nabis)! Danny Mallo’s Weed All About It is the ultimate book providing you with everything you need to know about growing your own, an array of recipes, and 20 techniques to make your rolling revolutionary.
Highlights of this pioneering book about pot include the ‘Wake and Bake Banana Pancakes’ and ‘Ganja Guacamole’ recipes to satisfy and stoke those mischievous munchies. Also perfect for parties, make it a joint effort and invite your buds to enjoy your newfound knowledge and recipes. Even better, at just 144 packed pages, it should be manageable even when your concentration is compromised.
So, if you’re passionate about pot and want to enhance your knowledge, get your hands on Weed All About It! A book you won’t want to pass on, it’s something you simply indica-n’t resist! - We won’t grass you up!